Monday, May 27, 2013

If I Was affected by the Storm Part 3


The Storm was an event that occurred in the Misfits series in Wertham a section of an unnamed British city. The Storm bestowed “super powers” on individuals who were near the storms lightning strikes. Nothing else is ever stated about the Storm after it occurs.


The Storm consisted of sinister dark clouds, giant hail instead of rain and simultaneous lightning strikes.

As stated above the Storm gives a subject who is either struck by it's lightning or are near the lightning when it strikes some kind of “super power” based on the based on the characters personalities, deepest desires or what they were thinking at the time of the Storm.

If I was affected by the Storm
For this third part I'm going to write about what would happen if I was affected by the Storm based on my personality. I saved this one for last because it took the most thought. I looked at what I think I'm like and what I'm like according to other people.

Of all the things that can be said about me (and there are many things) it is agreed that I am a person to seek insight and help from. I am insightful and helpful because I learn from other people's experiences and then I use that as my source of inspiration to help people and to have the understanding necessary to be of use. Based on that I would say that the Storm would give me the ability to mimic a subject's powers. I say “subject” because aside from human beings animals were also affected by the Storm. Their may also come a time in the show where they reveal plants were also affected so I'm just trying to encompass it all by saying “subject”. I chose power mimicking instead of something like copying a subject's memories or experiences because on the show Seth wanted to be the “ultimate dealer” and he developed the ability to “deal in Storm based powers”. So I would assume my desire to understand and help people would result in the ability to mimic a person's powers so I can be familiar with what they are going through with them and therefore help them use or at least come to terms with having powers.

Being me I would think the mechanism that permits mimicking would be that I'd have to observe a subject to the extent that I would be familiar with them. Most likely I would have to sit down with someone and have a conversation with them to permit me to mimic them. However I would say watching a person on television every day would also accomplish the same thing or at least watching or listening to an in-depth interview of some kind would. Something where I would get a sense of the person. Once I had my sense of the person I would have a “mini-Storm” event inside me where I would see in my mind what factor caused the person to have the power they developed and consequently I would develop that power. That would be how I know they have a Storm power without having observed them using one.

The power would fade once I lost interest in it. To be clear on this, if the subject needed help, I would retain interest in the power at least as long as it was necessary to have it to help the subject. Should a subject not need help my interest would depend on how well I found the power worked with my personality. The further it deviates form my personality the shorter I would retain it. Should the power match with my personality I would retain it permanently as others did during the Storm. As examples in terms of the “Misfits” themselves I would have retained Alisha's power to see through other people's eyes, Kelly's telepathy, Simon's “foresight”, Nathan's “magician” power, Jess' “X-ray vision” and Finn's telekinesis. I wouldn't have retained Alisha's ability to cause extreme sexual arousal by touch, Kelly's “rocket scientist” power (or maybe I would. I'm not sure), Simon's invisibilty/“ability to be ignored”, Nathan's immortality, Curtis' rewind time (when he regrets something he's done) power or his gender switching (make himself male or female) power (but I would have kept it for awhile), Rudy's “emotional duplication” (ability to split into 3 versions of himself with different degrees of emotions) power or Abby's memory wipe.

The nature of the “powers” in the Misfits universe makes having a power mimicry ability like I described I would have a potentially dangerous ability. Since I would acquire the power before knowing what the power is I could get in trouble. As with Abby I would lose my memory, with the actress Debby I would have thought I was the character “Lola”, with Jeremy (Nathan's mother's boyfriend) I would think I was his childhood dog at night or like Micheal everyone around me would want to kill me for the case of money he stole from his partner in crime. It wouldn't really be something I could control. I would just be lucky that the power would fade once I lost interest in it or no longer needed it to help someone. That doesn't mean that I couldn't get into a lot of trouble or even be killed before I lost one of these types of powers.

Having said that I doubt I would have been in Wertham long enough to know I even have a Storm based power. I would need a subject with Storm based powers to cause me to have a mini-Storm event to show me. It could potentially be years before I even encounter someone else with a power unless although unspecified on the show that other storms occurred elsewhere. Then maybe I might encounter some.

Once I discovered that I had this power, meaning that I encountered another subject with a power I would hold onto that power “for dear life” until I encountered another subject, unless of course the power actually suited me then I wouldn't have to force myself to hold onto it.. After I understood my power I would start many social network site pages under the profile name of the “Power Guru”. I would offer my services to help someone learn how to use and accept their powers. Whether or not I charged for my services would depend on the subject I'm helping. Usually this would depend on two things: whether or not I develop a permanent power from the experience and whether or not the subject could actually pay. As for others who could afford to pay I would just decide a price based on what they could afford.

Aside from wanting to help people, I would also love to build a collection of powers and a database of who had what powers in case I needed to reacquire a power I couldn't keep. I would know where to look. I would probably try and get money at a place like and open a business finding people with powers...hmm. Maybe I would start a “Superhuman Resource” company. I could build up my power repertoire, help people with powers as originally intended and make money. Maybe make a break away society through the use of people's powers.

That or just keep collecting powers until I achieve a degree of self-sufficiency that I can function as a free agent in the world something like Doctor Who does traveling through time.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

If I Was affected by the Storm Part 2


The Storm was an event that occurred in the Misfits series in Wertham a section of an unnamed British city. The Storm bestowed “super powers” on individuals who were near the storms lightning strikes. Nothing else is ever stated about the Storm after it occurs.


The Storm consisted of sinister dark clouds, giant hail instead of rain and simultaneous lightning strikes.


As stated above the Storm gives a subject who is either struck by it's lightning or are near the lightning when it strikes some kind of “super power” based on the based on the characters personalities, deepest desires or what they were thinking at the time of the Storm.

If I was affected by the Storm

For this second part I'm going to write about what would happen if I was affected by the Storm based on what I would have been thinking at the time or wished. To be present for the Storm I would have to fly across the Atlantic ocean and would most likely be doing that for some kind of vacation. Consequently the most likely things on my mind at the time would be what alternate ways I could have to get back home, “My IBS is acting up, so where's the nearest washroom?” or I'd be wishing I was in better shape to impress the local women. Of the three thoughts my most likely one would be the second. The anxiety of flying and knowing I would have to fly back would most likely exacerbate my irritable bowel syndrome. Based on that and my desire to go along with the nature of the Misfits series I would say the power I would manifest is the power to teleport to the nearest trusted and vacant washroom and back.

The reason for the power manifesting this way is that I.B.S. is partly an anxiety driven condition. Usually having a quick way to relieve yourself gets rid of the I.B.S. attack. With bowel related illnesses you quickly learn to use just about any washroom despite your misgivings but it is always preferable to have access to a trusted and vacant washroom. The “consequences” of a bowel illnesse's attack can be unpleasant for others who may be around you but in the least it's embarrassing to you. Another aspect is that you easily get tired of how often the condition can take you from having fun away from home when it acts up. So it makes sense to be able to teleport to a washroom and back so you can go back to what you were doing when you had to leave. Also knowing that you can instantly be where you need to be to take care of your condition reduces the anxiety significantly and consequently reduces the amount of attacks you actually suffer. So on a personal level while this is not the most glamorous power it is a great gift for people who have intestinal diseases.

Now for my use of the power I would travel more. I've always been a wanderer by nature. It has always been nothing for me to take off for hours wandering aimlessly just for the sheer thrill of wandering. Since having I.B.S. I don't wander as much anymore for fear of getting caught somewhere where I can't deal with an I.B.S. attack should one arise. An attack of an intestinal illness can be a fairly traumatic event if your caught out in the middle of nowhere. It can even be traumatic under ideal conditions.

Where I had a say on the matter I would equip trusted washrooms with things I might use when I'm out or during emergencies like first aid kits, extra clothing and emergency rations. I might even keep weapons there in case I have to defend myself or someone else. I wouldn't be able to bring others with me because at the time of the Storm if I was having an I.B.S. attack the last thing on my mind would be having others with me. Therefore I would have to teleport with a weapon or whatever I thought I needed to fix the situation. I can already see teleporting into my washroom, pushing a button and the wall opens up and a small arsenal appears. I would think that I could leave the washroom once I teleported into it but I would expect that I would have to return to the same washroom to return to the area I teleported from in the first place.

With that in mind I would build myself a large bathroom/base of operations with a number of storage spaces as well as communications devices like a phone and a computer with internet access. Maybe a with a big screen T.V. to watch the news on. The room would be loaded with supplies I can access if I need to. I'm not saying I would become a superhero and have bathroom motif equipment. I'm just saying I'd make myself a nice bathroom worth teleporting to with some extra features in case I run into trouble or have to help people.

Thanks for reading