What I would do in the real world if I had the powers of a super hero or super villain from comic books, cartoons, television shows or movies. If you want more information on the characters I explore here I recommend that you go to the official websites of the companies that own the rights to the characters. I usually get my data from either what I remember from reading comic books (which are now in storage) or at wikia entertainment (www.wikia.com/Wikia), Wikipedia or also from Comicvine.com
Friday, November 26, 2010
If I was Captain Dynamo
William Warner was the father of the members of the Dynamo 5 super team as well as their adversary Synergy. He was the premiere protector of Tower City until he was killed by Widow Maker. He got his powers at 12 years old (I believe) by exposure to an unknown form of radiation. Despite being a notorious womanizer, adulterer and all around jerk he still chose to lay his life on the line for Tower City on a repeated basis.
William Warner was a handsome and well built middle aged man as befitting his status as a superman imitation. He has black hair with graying temples and ...well I'm not sure what his eye color is, they're probably blue.
He wears a red bodysuit with a large golden stylized "D" on his chest. He wears a long blue cape and has "golden" boots and arm bands covering most of his forearms. He also wears something resembling a golden belt. He wears no mask to hide his identity.
He is said to have five powers: super vision, super strength, flight, shape changing and telepathy. The full extent of any of these powers is unknown. He never appeared long enough to be fully developed. Presumably since he is a Superman analog these powers are at least on par with his children's versions or presumably even greater since he's been using them for 40 years and some of them seem to need artificial aids to control them. So I'm including descriptions of their versions of these powers under the assumption his powers are at least at those levels.
Super Vision
His super vision powers include "laser vision", "X-ray vision" and "telescopic vision".
His x-ray vision allows him to see through solid objects and his telescopic vision allows him to see at "great distances". His laser vision is red beams of energy shot from his eyes that have both heat and concussive elements to them. His son Hector can "neutralize" tanks and blast holes through walls with his laser vision however He and Bridget both needed visors or goggles to help them focus the power.
Super Strength
He has superhuman strength and limited invulnerability. He is capable of lifting a bus over his head and when his daughter Bridget had the same power she could easily lift a tank over her head and throw it the length of a city block.
His top durability is unknown but Bridget is bulletproof and has a high degree of resistance to various attacks including heat, electricity and being frozen in a block of ice. She can also hold her breath for twenty minutes and has easily survived falling from a skyscraper into the street and getting repeatedly kicks in the stomach by Synergy who has a similar strength level.
He has the ability to fly through the air seemingly by force of will alone. When his daughter Olivia had this power she was able to fly around targets creating tornadoes around them without suffering any ill effects to herself like dizziness or black outs or red outs from the g-forces acting on her body. Presumably he can do the same. Another aspect of this power that I assume exist is a heightened reaction time and coordination/agility that comes into play at least when flying. It's hard to move fast enough to create tornadoes around a human sized object and maintain that flight pattern without quickly flying off course much less maneuver in tight quarters at high speeds.
He has the power to physically alter the shape and form of his body. He could alter his facial features, body type and even the clothes he's wearing or even appear like anyone he chooses. How much a change he could bring about is unknown but he can alter the apparent size of his body enabling him to disguise himself as a morbidly obese person. His son Spencer could alter his face to remove all of its facial features in order to hide his identity. How he could breathe or speak without a nose or mouth is unknown. Apparently physical contact with a subject was necessary to copy them. This power also allowed him to alter his clothing as well. His daughter Olivia could use her version of the power to change into animals even those smaller or larger than herself. They all have shown that they must be conscious to maintain the change. Spencer has shown that the demands of combat can cause him to drop at least part of his disguise when pressed by an opponent or hit very hard.
This power seems to come with incredible powers of visualization and concentration in order to maintain his disguises under a variety of conditions.
He could read minds and communicate mind to mind with other people. His son Gage could only use it that way as well until he was electrocuted by the super villain Voltage. After that he could use it to manipulate people's minds to perform feats such as suppressing memories up to being able to giving them amnesia although that put him in a coma for two days when done to his super human sister Synergy.
With concentration both can remotely track someone’s thoughts by recognizing their brainwave patterns. However it is said that neither they nor his other son Spencer could read an unconscious mind but Gage has entered the mind of their mentor Maddie while she was in a coma. He has also proven able to control technology that is keyed to a specific person brainwaves.
While in a coma Gage learned that he could astral project. Whether or not Captain Dynamo has the potential to do that is unknown.
It seems that the extant of the powers possessed by him and his children are both a question of aptitude and training. His children have shown greater variety in the use of their individual powers it seems often simply because they only possess the one power while he possessed all of them and so didn't have as much time to dedicate to each and most likely he had his own preferred powers.
If I was Captain Dynamo
Well the first thing I would do is "sample" all kinds of materials and people's appearances then learn to blend them for a variety of disguises. I would want all kinds of disguises because I would actually use these powers in the open. I'd disguise myself as an alien when I do that, something obviously lifted from comic books or cartoons, however I would like to be prepared with some back up disguises in case I have to confuse people as to what I really look like.
My "super hero" identity would be that of a tall, gray alien with big, black eyes and a larger than normal size bald head. I would wear a black bodysuit with silver trimming as well as silver boots and gloves and a long flowing black cape with a silver lining. If I have a super hero name I don't know. I would let the media come up with one.
I wouldn't go out of my way to draw attention to myself but I wouldn't hide myself completely either. I would want the legend of an alien superhero to be spread. Maybe use my laser vision to burn my symbol into the wall where I've been in action like Clark Kent does in Smallville.
If my alien cover was more trouble than it's worth then I would disguise myself as several different super heroes displaying only a part of my power set.
I would disguise myself as a version of the Incredible Hulk and would only overtly use my super strength power. I would disguise myself as a version of Marvel Girl/Jean Gray and would only overtly use my flight and telepathy powers. I would disguise myself as a version of Super Boy/Conner Kent/Kon-El and would only overtly use my flight and super vision powers. Finally I would disguise myself as Wonder Girl/Cassandra Sandsmark and would only overtly use my flight and super strength powers.
Anything else I would do I would play it by ear.
Thanks for reading.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
If I was Supervision
Brigitte Flynn is the daughter of the superhero Captain Dynamo and member of the team Dynamo 5 which comprises of Captain Dynamo's children from different women. She was formerly known as Scrap but the siblings had their powers removed and then redistributed among them and now she has the powers that belonged to her brother Hector who was known as Visionary.
Supervison is an averaged height, athletic woman with brown hair and eyes (I think). She wears a legless and sleeveless blue and red body suit with the Dynamo 5 logo on it. Her thigh high boots have padding for her shins and knees. She wears long dark gloves that go up to half up to her upper arm. She also wears a pair of goggles that help her in focusing her laser vision.
All her powers are vision related. I can't tell you how happy I am to have found this character. I was looking for a character with this kind of power set. I was batting around going with the Marvel Comics character Peeper also once known as Occult. The thing was big, bulgy eyes was part of the mutation that made his powers possible. I would hate to have to have bulgy eyes to have super sight related powers. Supervision however doesn't suffer from this problem and she has the same super sight power set.
She has telescopic vision allowing her to see over great distances. I assume it actually works in a way similar to using a telescope. She also has so called "X-ray vision" the ability to see through solid objects without the actual use of X-rays. The exact limits of these vision powers has yet to be documented or so I am led to believe but I assume it was impressive enough and more importantly useful.
She also has "Laser Vision" that can be used to "neutralize" a person or up to objects as massive as tanks. It can also generate concussive force that can destroy walls and batter people. Hence why I call it "Laser Vision" in quotes as it's not acting strictly like a laser.
If I was Supervision
Well this is one of my favorite power sets. If only because it would renew my love of the night. I'm no astronomer but I would readily become an amateur one. From a professional perspective I'd become an archeologist. When you can look into the ground without digging it's easier to find things. Of course I could join a security firm and be used to see if people are smuggling things or carrying concealed weapons. I may like in the Daredevil entry offer my services to a doctor to help in the diagnosis of patients. Of course I do live in a place with a lot of natural beauty that isn't easily accessible so if I had built in binoculars that would make it a lot easier to appreciate the environment around me.
Now for the obvious question. Would I be a voyeur? Hell yeah. I'm not proud of that but it would happen. That's not to say it would be the only thing I would do but I'd have the bad habit of taking "peaks".
As for the so called laser vision I'd start off practicing how to light cigarettes with it. I love have fine control over destructive abilities. Then I'd start fires in the woods for keeping warm and then I'd learn to use the concussive element of it. Turn it into a "poor man's telekinesis". I'd train it so I can get enough control over it to be able to push things around with out breaking them.
After my training with my laser vision is complete I'd it would be my personal "side arm". "Freeze or I'll blast you!" then if they didn't freeze, well I'd blast them or at least melt any potential weapons the person I told to freeze was carrying. I may try things like melting the sole of their shoes or popping car tires but that's a pretty dangerous thing to do. Popping the tires of a moving car can get a lot people killed. Also just like with the Pig Talisman from the Talismans of Shendu entry I'd learn to use the laser vision to cook as well.
Thanks for reading.
Monday, November 15, 2010
If I Had The Twelve Talismans of Shendu
900 years ago in the universe that the Jackie Chan's Adventures takes place in, China was ruled by a demon sorcerer named Shendu. Soon his subjects rose up against him led by the monk Lo Pei. He used a magical formula to strip Shendu of his zodiac animal based magical powers and stored them in talismans of each animal. Whomever uses a talisman gets it's powers.
The twelve talismans are flat octagonal shaped pieces of stone no thicker than an inch that fit in the palms of most people's hands. Each talisman has a colored, stylized image of the zodiac animal they represent.
The ROOSTER talisman grants the power of telekinesis. Fin has used it to throw a tank and has flown backwards keeping pace with the Dark hands getaway truck probably traveling at least 55 mph if not faster. The power of the talisman can be boosted with the Rabbit Talisman permitting it's user to fly at a speed equal to what the Rabbit Talisman provides.
The OX talisman grants the power of super strength which comes along with the appropriate durability as it's user can go toe to toe with other mystical beings of super strength using only the talisman's powers. The actual upper limit of the strength was never shown but its user could break though a stone wall using only his or her finger and a yak who acted as a host for the talisman's power was able to dig it's way through a mountain top.
The SNAKE talisman grants it's user the power of invisibility.
The SHEEP talisman grants the power of astral projection (the ability of the soul leaving the body) which seems to include the ability to enter people's dreams and the ability to possess other people's bodies.
The RABBIT talisman grants the power of super speed and the appropriate adaptations that go with it. It's top speed isn't listed but Aesop a giant turtle has used it to run across water carrying Jade and Jackie Chan altogether about 900lbs of weight. A 200 lb man needs to run at at least 60 mph to run on water so he would have to run at at least 270 mph. The Rabbit Talisman can enhance the speed at which the rooster talisman permits it's user to fly.
The DRAGON talisman grants the power of combustion. This means that its user can cause it to project a blast of "explosive force" causing things it hits to either explode or burn. Either way it's a very powerful and devastating talisman easily destroying armored military vehicles and stone walls. Unlike the other talismans the dragon talisman will actually bond to it's user. On human beings it adheres to their hand making it easier for them to aim it.
The RAT talisman grants "motion to the motionless". This means it can animate inanimate objects even going so far as giving statues and toys the powers of the characters they represent. As an example: when Jade's Super Moose doll is animated it can fly and has super strength like the Super Moose character is suppose to have. As an another example a statue of Lo Pei had all the monk's powers and memories. The statue body of Shendu became his real body. It's unknown if it can actually animate the dead or restore mobility to paralyzed people. For that matter it's not known if it can be used to power vehicles.
The HORSE talisman grants the power of healing. This includes the user or others the user wishes to heal. Aside from repairing actual damage to a subject's body it removes anything "alien" from the subject's body such as illness or in the case of Jackie Chan, removing the effects of the serum turning him to stone. It also can be used to remove pain or discomfort such as removing the nausea Tohru experienced because of his seasickness. Aside from healing living subjects it can "heal" non-living objects restoring them to their undamaged state. I'm going to assume that this means that it can also remove computer viruses from computerized devices.
The DOG talisman grants immortality. This means that the user quits aging as long as they use it although their youthful appearance isn't restored their youthful vitality and prowess is. Also it makes them invulnerable but not immune to pain. As Fin has said, "Immortality hurts." Although there is a limit to the invulnerability. Jackie Chan blew a whole in Shendu's chest with the Dragon talisman although that failed to kill him it did leave him with a hole in his chest until the Horse talisman healed him.
The PIG talisman grants the power of "heat beam eyes". In other words "heat vision". Again it's upper most power is unknown but is said to be very intense and most likely able to melt steel. It also grants the user thermal vision the ability to see heat allowing it's user to see the user of the snake talisman when he or she is invisible.
The MONKEY talisman grants the power of shapeshifting. More specifically the ability to transform into different types of animals. This works on the user of the talisman or someone they target. The subject transformed retains their personality and intelligence. The talisman can be used on inanimate objects. Transformed at long range they just become statue version of the animal but when touched by the talisman they can be made into a living animal.
The TIGER talisman grants the power of balance. It is often mistaken that balance means that the user can't be knocked over but it actually means spiritual balance. By spiritual balance it means that the user's positive and negative chi are in balance which should mean that the user is immune to attacks or magic that attempt to "unbalance" his or her chi. The original talisman had been broken which caused those who used it to split into good and evil versions of themselves who could be reunited by reuniting the two halves of the talismans. It is said by Shendu that the Tiger talisman maintains the balance off all the other talismans powers preventing him from being destroyed by having absorbed them.
If I Had The Twelve Talismans of Shendu
I wouldn't tell anybody about the talismans. Once people know you have them they want to use them. Of course I might cultivate a small trusted circle of friends that I might distribute them to on a case by case basis but probably not. People I already trust would get to borrow them but even that would be rare. It would have to be people I would trust with that secret. I would want to keep that I have magical talismans secret. If someone discovers me using super powers I would want them to think that they are innate powers instead of external.
The ROOSTER talisman
I'd keep this talisman with me all the time. I love the idea of being able to move things around by will alone. Also I love that it would permit me to hover over water permitting me to explore places that can only be accessed by water or by air. Like I said before exploration is a big thing with me. I like to explore new places. This talisman would come in handy with the work I currently do cleaning out houses so I can paint them and get them ready to be rented. Some people are really disgusting and don't clean up after themselves. It would be nice to not have to touch the garbage they leave behind and it would be faster and I assume I could do a more thorough job as well moving things by thought instead of by hand.
The OX talisman
This talisman is used for special occasions. Whereas as I love the idea of having super strength, it's a nuisance outside of the work I usually do. For kicks I would put on ancient Greek armor and get the Dog talisman and the Horse talisman and pretend to be Hercules. Then I would jump into a war and cut lose. Since I don't speak Greek or Latin it may be difficult to pull off but that's only if I actually speak to people.
The SNAKE talisman
This is another talisman I would carry with me all the time. If I'm going to do anything super human and I can't immediately disguise it I would just turn invisible and then go about doing it. Like I said I wouldn't want people to knowing about me having the talismans. On special occasions like Halloween I would combine it with the Rooster talisman and pretend to be a ghost. When I think about it combining with the Rooster and Rabbit talisman I could pretend to teleport.
The SHEEP talisman
This one I would keep for relaxation purposes or when I have trouble sleeping. If I have insomnia I can force my body to relax by leaving it. Then I can go exploring once again, this time invisible and intangible. Of course I could kill two birds with one stone and like I said in the Magneto and Professor X entry that while I was relaxing I could use my astral form to do some reconnaissance looking for missing people. Maybe even "case a joint out" if I was planning to do some work somewhere or even find places that I was planning to explore during the day.
The RABBIT talisman
A third talisman that I would always carry with me. Not so much because I always want to travel at super speed but because mixed with the Rooster talisman I could travel considerable distances quickly and be ready to help as quickly as possible. A lot of the people I like live far away from me and I could visit them more often. Don't get me wrong though, the thrill of moving at super speed is something I relish. I would be more willing to use it in combat than the Ox talisman. While moving at super speed gives you a powerful punch, these days with the advances in weapons it's more about the person who can shoot first then who can hit the hardest. Also if you can disarm someone before they can fire or attack you can keep people from getting hurt.
The DRAGON talisman
This would be the least used talisman in my collection. I don't have much use for that much raw destruction in my life. So if I was going to use it you know it's serious business. The primary use of it would be demolition. The next big use of it would be for countering things like avalanches, tsunamis and mud slides. On occasions that demanded it I would use it to destroy debris from outer space like falling satellites, large meteors or whatever else comes into the planet from outer space.
The RAT talisman
The world isn't ready for me to have this talisman. Firstly there's a statue of Paul Bunion and Babe the blue ox in the yard of a guy I know. They used to be at the logging museum in the town I live in has. I'd probably animate one of them first. That would be hilarious. There are tons of giant statues in the world to animate and let run wild. Although I think statues of Jesus and Buddha wouldn't be likely to rampage as others might. A fake second coming originating in Rio de Janeirio would be interesting to see.
The HORSE talisman
This is the fourth talisman I would always have on hand. You never know when you'll come across someone who needs healing. But it's not just that. Since it can repair inanimate objects think about this. You come to the scene of an accident. The people are alive but badly broken and bruised. They're in their wrecked car. The door can't be opened and it's leaking gas. You use the Horse talisman on the car and it's back in it's regular condition and it has stopped leaking gas. Then you use the talisman on the people in the car. This way not only is every one okay but they can now go along their way and not tie up traffic any longer than necessary. Of course I could make money having a little repair shop. Imagine how much money you can make fixing jets for airlines or doing quick repairs in homes. Of course obviously there's the money to be made as a faith healer who is actually successful. Although given my character if someone is really in pain or in imminent danger of death I would heal them without even thinking about compensation. I would just do it.
The DOG talisman
I reserve this talisman for whenever I go into new situations where mistakes can have fatal consequences. I would always use it in conjunction with the Horse talisman. Most commonly it would be used if I'm intervening on someone's behalf in a violent situation like protecting a civilian population during a time of war or during a national disaster or should I decide to participate in armed conflict. I won't lie, vanity and fear would eventually cause me to use it more and more often just because I wouldn't want to get "old" but for the time being I might even be willing to loan it out to some people telling them it's a protection talisman that can keep them from mortal harm. This is one of those talismans where you literally have power over life and death and people will be anxious to have you share it with them. So you're better off not telling people about it.
The PIG talisman
I would use this talisman at night a lot because of it's thermal vision capacity. It would go out at night and be able to see things. It would take time for me to get used to it though. Thermal vision lets you see through things you normally can't see through because those objects block visible light. It's not the same thing with heat. Only insulators would make it difficult to see through things. I would always carry this one around with me during the winter. You never know when you'll need to build a fire. Also I would learn to cook with it. Not just out of being to lazy to use the oven but because it would be an excuse to develop fine control over it. If you can cook a meal without burning anything then you know you have great control over the heat beams. Plus I would use it like a wood burning kit making designs in leather and wood. Another way to make money. Can you tell I'm an adult, trying to find ways to cash in on every super ability I possess.
The MONKEY talisman
My favorite toy. I would use it not only to explore in the forms of different animals but I would use it to "sculpt" realistic animals that I would sell. You gotta make money somehow. I'd also use it to teach lessons to people who think it's fun to abuse animals. Spend time as a dog and then next time you think about beating one you'll at least have walked a mile in its paws and may not be so quick to be so abusive to animals. Of course then there's some good old fashion "divine justice". Spending sometime as an animal was a way for a lot of people who displeased the gods to spend their time. I'm thinking about Lykan (wolf) and Arachne (spider) as examples. Although I'm not of the judge, jury and executioner type I'm not above putting people in "prison's without walls".
The TIGER talisman
Having spiritual balance is a serious bonus. A balanced spirit rarely if ever gets sick. They tend to be highly resistant to chi manipulating spells and attacks from creatures like chi vampires. However the biggest bonus is the state of mental health that someone with balanced chi has. I would use the talisman to help bring balance to people in emotional distress or who have mental illnesses. It could probably be used to break the influence of mind control on a subject or possibly to even undo the effects of post dramatic stress disorder. This is also one of the talismans I'd always have on hand.
Talisman Combinations
I've listed most of the combinations of talisman's I would use while describing the talismans the most commonly being the combination of the Rooster, Rabbit, Snake, Horse and Tiger. I'm not a healer per-say but flying around as an invisible guardian angel being able to fix things and help people is something I like.
Now if I wanted to play "avenging angel" I'd use all of the talismans. Then I'd transform myself into whichever animal would most strike fear into the hearts of those I'm avenging against and do what needs doing. Imagine poachers being run down by a super rhino or super elephant or bear. Imagine a spider taking down bank robber or being "The Dog That One The War". Now there are other crimes that I won't be so graphic as to explain how they would be avenged but you can imagine it I'm sure.
I think if the Monkey talisman allowed you to become extinct animals imagine becoming an avenging allosaurus. As close to a dragon I guess you could get. I may go by the identity of "Terrorsaurus Rex" that would be awesome. Hmm that has me thinking of the possibilities. Imagine a flying seismosaurus (130-170 feet long weighing about 30 tons) shooting "fire" from it's mouth.
If I had the money for it I might get an angel motif suit of armor made that would hide my face and go out as an avenging angel that way.
I might go around playing at being either a were-wolf or were-bear using the Monkey, Dog, Horse and Ox talismans.
I would disguise myself as a wizard using the Snake, Rooster, Horse and Monkey talismans.
I would build shelters and do landscaping using the Ox, Horse, Monkey and Pig talismans. I'd use, the Ox for moving materials and basic building. I'd use the horse to repair broken materials. The pig for any welding that needed doing and the monkey to decorate as necessary.
I'd use the dog, rabbit and pig talismans to create a potential super hero identity. Maybe I'd call myself the "Rocket."
I might create a huge statue that I can ride in and use the rat talisman to animate it. I'd carry the horse talisman with me to fix it if it gets damaged.
Mostly though like I said earlier I use the Rooster, Rabbit, Snake, Horse and Tiger with me and be an invisible guardian angel.
Thanks for reading.
Monday, November 8, 2010
If I Was A Composite Super Being.
I distinguish composite super beings from "power mimics" like the Super Adaptoid or Amazo who gain their powers from being exposed to other super beings because they only have the specific power sets of a specific group of super beings and cannot just acquire more like the two androids mentioned can.
For me the appeal of a composite super beings is similar to the appeal of power mimics. When you have the combined powers of a super team you can use it in ways that individual team members can't no matter how cooperative they are. Like the Super Skrull combining Mr. Fantastic's stretching with the Thing's superhuman strength to use the super strength in places where it's difficult to reach. Something the two can't do as individuals. Mr. Fantastic can reach but he lacks the super strength. The Thing has the strength but lacks the reach.
For my group to draw super powers from I choose the U-Foes from Marvel Comics. Since K'lrt the original Super Skrull possesses the combined powers of the Fantastic Four, I thought I'd go with the super villain equivalent of the Fantastic Four, the U-Foes.
Simon Utrecht was a wealthy and unscrupulous business man with a hunger for power. In pursuit of power he convinced Mike Steel an engineer, scientist and pilot to pilot the privately owned spaceship he had built and take them plus Ann Darnell a life support specialist and her brother James a fuel propulsion expert into outer space in an attempt to reproduce the event that gave the Fantastic Four their powers. The mission was somewhat of a success. Bruce Banner the incredible Hulk's scientist alter ego managed to return them to Earth before the mission was scheduled to end when he discovered what they were trying to do. This left them with unstable powers . It was only after James was further exposed to "cosmic rays" that his powers were stabilized then he could use his power over radiation to stabilize the powers of the others. From then on they were the U-Foes.
After being mutated by cosmic rays Simon Utrecht now has white eyes and no hair. His skin is now a variety of shades of yellow and orange arranged in strange patterns.
After being mutated by cosmic rays Mike Steel is now over six and a half feet tall, weighing over 600 lbs. with white eyes and metallic skin. Another noticeable feature of his is that the top of his head is a relatively flat surface instead of being round like a normal skull.
After being mutated by cosmic rays Ann Darnell still has essentially her normal look when she is in human form which is that of a five and a half foot tall, average build woman with long brown hair and green eyes. In her gaseous forms her appearance varies by the gas she becomes but when her eyes are visible they are white.
After being mutated by cosmic rays James Darnell is a human shaped, purple colored radiation field with no hair and with what appears to be white eyes.
As a composite super being you can mix and match the powers of the composing super beings or use only individual's power sets at a time or none at all.
The following is the individual powers of the members of the U-Foes:
He has the power to telekinetically repel matter and energy directing it away from himself. He can use it to do things like: repelling objects to send them flying as deadly missiles; releasing concentrated blast of energy as an attack; and even using his telekinesis on the ground to propel himself away from it allowing him to fly.
He's powerful enough to flay most of the Incredible Hulk's skin and muscle tissue from his body. He also used it to repel the structure of reality within the 'Crossroads' nexus which he claims makes him capable of hurling worlds. However the Hulk has managed twice with incredible effort to move through Vector's repulsions to physically attack him. He was at least once able to block and repel the attempts of various super humans and allies of the Incredible Hulk to locate him while they were kidnapping and torturing him. That includes magical attempts by Doctor Strange and Tony Stark's and Reed Richard's tracking technology.
IroncladHe has a metallic form or possibly metallic skin after the fashion of the Thing's rocky hide with tremendous durability and resistance to harm. He can go toe to toe with the Incredible Hulk for prolonged periods of time. He can also conduct heat through his skin hot enough to burn objects and people he touches. He also has superhuman strength permitting him to lift from the ground over his head at arms length somewhere between 85 and 90 tons. If he has super human stamina it's probably like the Thing's who can exert himself for up to 24 hours before getting tired.
He can also increase or decrease his own weight/mass, to hover in the air or to "crush like a mountain".
She can transform her body into any form of gas from pure elements forms to complex compounds (mixtures of elements). She can resume her solid form for a brief periods of time. In her gas forms she's essentially immune to most forms of harm but she is vulnerable to chemical reactions that would affect the chemical-form she is in. The Hulk once beat her by spraying her with oxygen while she was hydrogen. She became water. She can also be harmed by different types of energy, such as lightning and her brother's radiation as well as being affected by strong atmospheric phenomena like intense winds or sonic booms.
His physical form is permanently transformed into a living energy field of "quasi-solid radiation". This form can fly and hover as well as emit various wavelengths of radiation including a form of concussive force blasts capable of hurting the incredible Hulk. He can also produce "negative gamma rays" that can transform the Incredible Hulk back into Bruce Banner but it only lasts so long. He had to keep bombarding regularly to maintain the effect. He also has the ability to turn invisible. He is mostly intangible and consequently invulnerable to most physical harm. However he can still be harmed by attacks that disrupt his energy fields such as items made of lead or vibranium (a fictional metal found in the Marvel Universe). He can also be defeated if he's drained of his radiation.
Both X-Ray and Vapor can still speak and retain their mental attributes and personalities despite being in non-human forms. Even most of their sensory capacities like vision, hearing and touch.
If I Was A Composite Super Being
For this particular combination of super beings I'd get investors together and create a pilot project of a city "powered" by me.
With X-Ray's Powers
In the morning if nothing else was going on that needed my attention I'd spend my time charging batteries with my radiation powers. Possibly having an array of solar panels converting the radiation I'm emitting into electricity. Alternatively I could just heat up some water causing it to turn turbines.
I'd also be the primary decontaminator using my radiation powers to destroy harmful organisms introduced into the city. Of course I could use my powers to generate microwaves and become a massive cooking center as well.
With Vapor's Powers
I'd use my gas shifting form to fight fires and to troubleshoot construction problems. With a little bit of medical training I could probably learn to use my gas form to mimic gasses that might help heal people or at least to disinfect or to sedate people. Vapor has proven capable of soothing Ironclad after she accidentally began corroding him as an acidic gas. Hell maybe I'd learn to do minor cosmetic treatments like chemical peals.
With Vector's Powers
I'd use my telekinetic repulsion power for landscaping which would not only include digging up the ground but aerial surveying as well. Depending on where the city is built, I may use it to repel bad weather or for plowing snow. Whatever it would take to make construction go smoothly. I could transport a lot of material just simply pushing them or by keeping them in balance over my head while I "carry" them to their destination. Also I'd be great at demolition.
On the less serious side I'd spend sometime on beaches helping kids who can't get their kite's to fly either because they can't or there's just not enough wind. By the same token I could push a lot of kids on the swings at once. Geeze can you tell I'm an uncle and babysit way too often.
With Ironclad's powers
I think in terms of what I can do to build a city as a super strong guy with armored hide I'm thinking it would go along the lines it would the way I described it under Mr. Incredible except with the lack of super speed it would take longer. For another difference Ironclad's weight/mass control power would allow me to walk on structures that would normally be too weak for me to walk out on. I've gone through roofs and off of them. It's not good.
In Combination
Here's where as composite super being shines. The first example to come to mind is the combination of Vapor's and X-Ray's powers. Transform into gas, enter a person's system and use radioactive blasts to treat cancer at the actual site of the disease instead of damaging the rest of the system along the way.
I could combine Vector and Ironclad to create a living cannonball of myself. I could more readily carry a heavy load with Ironclad's powers and use Vectors' to get myself into position to place the load where it needs to go.
I could use Vapor's powers to infiltrate a building undetected or without damaging it so I can retrieve a kidnapped person. Then from there I could use the rest of the U-Foes powers to fight my way back out with the kidnap victim in tow. Using Ironclad's powers as my base to make sure if someone sneaks up on me I'm at least with some protection and then I could use Vector's and X-Ray's powers to fend off the kidnappers and their "associates".
Since neither Vapor nor X-Ray can really handle solid objects in their gas and radiation forms I could use Vector's power to over come that limit in those forms in the least to push solid objects around.
Mixing Vapor's and Ironclad's powers makes for one hell of a wrestler. If you can't break out of a hold with brute force you can just turn into a gas to escape.
The point is the combined powers of a super group is awesome.
Thanks for reading