William Warner was the father of the members of the Dynamo 5 super team as well as their adversary Synergy. He was the premiere protector of Tower City until he was killed by Widow Maker. He got his powers at 12 years old (I believe) by exposure to an unknown form of radiation. Despite being a notorious womanizer, adulterer and all around jerk he still chose to lay his life on the line for Tower City on a repeated basis.
William Warner was a handsome and well built middle aged man as befitting his status as a superman imitation. He has black hair with graying temples and ...well I'm not sure what his eye color is, they're probably blue.
He wears a red bodysuit with a large golden stylized "D" on his chest. He wears a long blue cape and has "golden" boots and arm bands covering most of his forearms. He also wears something resembling a golden belt. He wears no mask to hide his identity.
He is said to have five powers: super vision, super strength, flight, shape changing and telepathy. The full extent of any of these powers is unknown. He never appeared long enough to be fully developed. Presumably since he is a Superman analog these powers are at least on par with his children's versions or presumably even greater since he's been using them for 40 years and some of them seem to need artificial aids to control them. So I'm including descriptions of their versions of these powers under the assumption his powers are at least at those levels.
Super Vision
His super vision powers include "laser vision", "X-ray vision" and "telescopic vision".
His x-ray vision allows him to see through solid objects and his telescopic vision allows him to see at "great distances". His laser vision is red beams of energy shot from his eyes that have both heat and concussive elements to them. His son Hector can "neutralize" tanks and blast holes through walls with his laser vision however He and Bridget both needed visors or goggles to help them focus the power.
Super Strength
He has superhuman strength and limited invulnerability. He is capable of lifting a bus over his head and when his daughter Bridget had the same power she could easily lift a tank over her head and throw it the length of a city block.
His top durability is unknown but Bridget is bulletproof and has a high degree of resistance to various attacks including heat, electricity and being frozen in a block of ice. She can also hold her breath for twenty minutes and has easily survived falling from a skyscraper into the street and getting repeatedly kicks in the stomach by Synergy who has a similar strength level.
He has the ability to fly through the air seemingly by force of will alone. When his daughter Olivia had this power she was able to fly around targets creating tornadoes around them without suffering any ill effects to herself like dizziness or black outs or red outs from the g-forces acting on her body. Presumably he can do the same. Another aspect of this power that I assume exist is a heightened reaction time and coordination/agility that comes into play at least when flying. It's hard to move fast enough to create tornadoes around a human sized object and maintain that flight pattern without quickly flying off course much less maneuver in tight quarters at high speeds.
He has the power to physically alter the shape and form of his body. He could alter his facial features, body type and even the clothes he's wearing or even appear like anyone he chooses. How much a change he could bring about is unknown but he can alter the apparent size of his body enabling him to disguise himself as a morbidly obese person. His son Spencer could alter his face to remove all of its facial features in order to hide his identity. How he could breathe or speak without a nose or mouth is unknown. Apparently physical contact with a subject was necessary to copy them. This power also allowed him to alter his clothing as well. His daughter Olivia could use her version of the power to change into animals even those smaller or larger than herself. They all have shown that they must be conscious to maintain the change. Spencer has shown that the demands of combat can cause him to drop at least part of his disguise when pressed by an opponent or hit very hard.
This power seems to come with incredible powers of visualization and concentration in order to maintain his disguises under a variety of conditions.
He could read minds and communicate mind to mind with other people. His son Gage could only use it that way as well until he was electrocuted by the super villain Voltage. After that he could use it to manipulate people's minds to perform feats such as suppressing memories up to being able to giving them amnesia although that put him in a coma for two days when done to his super human sister Synergy.
With concentration both can remotely track someone’s thoughts by recognizing their brainwave patterns. However it is said that neither they nor his other son Spencer could read an unconscious mind but Gage has entered the mind of their mentor Maddie while she was in a coma. He has also proven able to control technology that is keyed to a specific person brainwaves.
While in a coma Gage learned that he could astral project. Whether or not Captain Dynamo has the potential to do that is unknown.
It seems that the extant of the powers possessed by him and his children are both a question of aptitude and training. His children have shown greater variety in the use of their individual powers it seems often simply because they only possess the one power while he possessed all of them and so didn't have as much time to dedicate to each and most likely he had his own preferred powers.
If I was Captain Dynamo
Well the first thing I would do is "sample" all kinds of materials and people's appearances then learn to blend them for a variety of disguises. I would want all kinds of disguises because I would actually use these powers in the open. I'd disguise myself as an alien when I do that, something obviously lifted from comic books or cartoons, however I would like to be prepared with some back up disguises in case I have to confuse people as to what I really look like.
My "super hero" identity would be that of a tall, gray alien with big, black eyes and a larger than normal size bald head. I would wear a black bodysuit with silver trimming as well as silver boots and gloves and a long flowing black cape with a silver lining. If I have a super hero name I don't know. I would let the media come up with one.
I wouldn't go out of my way to draw attention to myself but I wouldn't hide myself completely either. I would want the legend of an alien superhero to be spread. Maybe use my laser vision to burn my symbol into the wall where I've been in action like Clark Kent does in Smallville.
If my alien cover was more trouble than it's worth then I would disguise myself as several different super heroes displaying only a part of my power set.
I would disguise myself as a version of the Incredible Hulk and would only overtly use my super strength power. I would disguise myself as a version of Marvel Girl/Jean Gray and would only overtly use my flight and telepathy powers. I would disguise myself as a version of Super Boy/Conner Kent/Kon-El and would only overtly use my flight and super vision powers. Finally I would disguise myself as Wonder Girl/Cassandra Sandsmark and would only overtly use my flight and super strength powers.
Anything else I would do I would play it by ear.
Thanks for reading.
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