I chose professor X because not only do I like the character but I've also recently discovered that he has the potential for telekinetic powers. He doesn't possess it right now but it is a component of his mutant power set that manifests itself from time to time. I've always believed it manifested itself because the writers kept forgetting that he wasn't a telekinetic or because some writers interpreted "psychic blast" to be that same as "telekinetic blast" instead of a "telepathic blast". I learned of it as an official power of his by coming across the Wikia entry for his "evil twin"/"spiritual clone" Cassandra Nova who has a copy of his mutant power imprint giving her his powers. I haven't read a comic book with her in it but by normal reality standards she is a powerful telekinetic who can not only levitate and manipulate herself and another person, she is powerful enough to repel missile attacks, assemble armor around herself from materials in the environment and even use her powers to "disintegrate" Wolverine's arm. On top of being a potential telekinetic, he apparently can potentially "phase" through solid objects as well. Cassadra Nova has used the power to save herself from Cyclops' optic blast. So now I have a new perspective on what I could do if I was Professor X.
So I'm going to take this opportunity to make an addendum to the entry of "If I was Professor X".
With the addition of phasing and telekinesis to the power set I would often play "guardian angel". I would use astral projection to go to a place invisibly and use the telepathy and telekinesis to manipulate the situation as necessary. As in my example of rescuing a missing child I would use the telekinesis to subdue the kidnapper's if there were any and then free the child from their bonds or "prison" and direct them home if possible. Of course I could have done something similar with telepathy and astral projection alone but then I wouldn't be able to protect the child directly from physical harm. If they were just missing because they ran away and say fell down a hole I could use the telekinesis to lift them out or remove the obstacles that would be in their way.
As for being the life of the party using my telepathy to enhance the merriment I would use telekinesis and phasing to put on one hell of a magic show. Levitating and moving objects and people would be hours of fun. Not to mention faking seances making people hear voices and making noises by moving objects. Passing through solid objects and having objects passing through you would also keep the party going for hours. Imagine taking a butcher knife and passing it through your chest or passing your arm through a door.
Otherwise I'd use telekinesis in the same way I would as Brian Davis. Using it for flight, martial arts enhancement, simulation of super strength and so on.
With that done I'd also like to list my top 5 favorite runner up "If I was".
1. Captain Dynamo
2. Jack O' Lantern's Lantern
3. Sasquatch
4. Cannonball
5. The Twelve Talisman's of Shendu
Thank you for reading.