Zarda is an Utopian from the home reality of the Squadron Supreme. Utopians are the genetically enhanced off shoot of humanity created by the alien Kree. In Marvel Comics mainstream reality the results of Kree manipulation were the Inhumans. The Utopians are essentially a non-gender biased version of the Amazons of DC comics who Wonder Woman came from. Zarda was meant to be their ambassador. However once the outside world developed nuclear weapons they left Earth but she stayed behind with her husband Howard Shelton and became a member of the Squadron Supreme.
Zarda is a tall, beautiful, statuesque woman with curly black hair and blue eyes reminiscent of the Greek idea of beauty. She typically wears a purple, armored suit based on ancient Greek armor with a super hero twist to it.
Powers And Paraphernalia
Power Princess' physical attributes are superior to human beings to a super human degree. Most notably is her strength, stamina and durability. She can lift 20 tons from the ground up over her head at arms length. She can function at peak performance for several hours and has survived the force from repeated full strength blows from Hyperion (he is at least five times as strong as she is) that had been redirected to her unknown to him. Somehow despite her high resistance to injury she is still vulnerable to blades and bullets made of conventional materials.
Utopians are extremely long lived. Zarda is 500 years old and only appears to be in her mid-twenties. How long they can live for is unknown.
She carries a transparent (if not invisible), virtually indestructible shield made from an unspecified material. It resembles a force field to me. She can use the shield the same way that Captain America uses his. She can deflect bullets and block physical and energy based attacks with it. She can also throw it like Captain America can. With her strength and the durability of her shield, she can use the edge to cut through most materials, including various metals.
The shield is attached to her in some unspecified way. It's depicted as not being attached to her but instead it just kind of floats their as though invisibly attached to her arm. To further add to the confusion it can also be caused to hover in front of her fist in a similar fashion which is most commonly done when she flies but she also used it that way to deflect bullets while shooting an anti-gun commercial.
The shield is also the source of her power of flight. How that works is not well defined. There are plenty of depictions of her flying with it in front of her wind shield fashion as though it's dragging her through the air but I have also seen her depicted using it other ways that would seem to make it difficult to use it as a flight mechanism. She has carried her elderly husband Howard in it like it was a dish or even wearing it on her arm or holding it to her side as a shield is normally carried. Neither position would seems capable of producing the lift or the thrust that her standard flight position is capable of.
If I was Power Princess
What do you do if you're at least 200 times more powerful than a normal human being and armed with advanced weaponry? You join the police force and don't tell anyone about your super powers. So yeah I would become a cop. You can easily chase down criminals and subdue them even if they outnumber you. The superior reflexes mean you can always outdraw a criminal if it comes down to a gun fight. Even though with Power Princess' powers I wouldn't be bullet proof, I would still be very bullet resistant. Mix that with a bullet proof vest and you can surprise the hell out of a shooter who thought they would at least incapacitate you.
The problem of course would be incorporating the shield into the job. If you're permitted to work alone then it's not much of a problem. You just keep it with you and keep it available. With a partner however you have someone wondering why you're carrying a non-regulation weapon. Mind you if you're on the S.W.A.T. team maybe you'd be allowed to use it.
I can't help but think of live action super hero shows of bygone eras. A popular stunt in those shows when a character has super strength was to lift an escaping car by it's hind bumper while its rear wheels spin ineffectually. I can see that being part of the job. A vehicle is trying to escape so I pick it up and hold it while waiting for the perps to give up. Of course in real life they'd just shoot at you to get you to drop it so I would likely end up just flipping the car over to deal with it especially since now cars are mostly front wheel drive instead of rear wheel drive. Ripping doors off a car door to free someone trapped inside or bursting through brick walls were pretty popular things to do which would be helpful as a cop. Although I think I would do what I can to keep property damage to a minimum so I wouldn't be just throwing massive objects around just because I could. Well, I might throw a known offenders car up into the air or over a fence, or through his or her front door just to prove a point but beyond that I don't think I would go on a rampage.
Since this power set comes with "super longevity" I have to explore what I would do in the future. Probably starting in the 23rd century after everyone I hold dear has passed on and I am "alone" in the world. I would turn my attention to being a power in the world. I'd openly use my shield and strength as a masked "hero" while at the same time starting a political movement. The whole thing with being long lived and having no immediate family anymore is that you only have yourself to watch out for. I mean sure you keep friends and allies but it's not the same thing. You can move on. You become one of the "ghosts" that haunts the world. You eventually drop your identity and fall off the grid reinventing yourself from a political stand point whenever you feel like it. Maybe in the 24th century I declare myself "Earth's immortal protector" but who knows where technology and societal values will be. Maybe I become a space explorer if space travel is a viable option then. Maybe at some point I get jaded and become a "supervillain"or an "agent provocateur" changing the world in ways that I would like to see it.
Thank you for reading.
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