Vanisher is one of the X-Men's oldest enemies. Over the years he has gone from major villain with his own henchmen to an X-team indentured transporter (since he can teleport other people as well as himself) until he was killed by a Sentinel.
Vanisher is a bald man of average height and build with green eyes who now has tribal tattoos. By the end of his career he gave up wearing a costume.
The Vanisher can teleport himself and extra mass. Technically it seems he passes at an incredible speed through another dimension and reappears on Earth. So fast it seems that neither he nor the inhabitants of that dimension are aware of his passing through it.
His powers are "psionic" in nature and includes an instinctual spatial awareness ability that permits him to "teleport blind" to anywhere in his range. In other words he may want to teleport behind a closed door but if there is something that would prevent from him "materializing" there he will know not to teleport there even if he may not know what was in the way or any other detail of the area.
The maximum range of his teleportation powers is not yet been declared but he has teleported himself and seven other people from Southern California to an island north east of Madagascar. When he assembled the Fallen Angels (a group of young mutants runaways) he regularly teleported ten others including a 20 feet tall, 6000 lb. dinosaur.
If I Was Vanisher
I think I've talked enough about liking to explore and how I'd use various super powers to do it. Well the ability to teleport blind makes it even easier to explore places I haven't been. Also it makes taking vacations easier or even group vacations. The places that are opened up to you when you can get there almost instantaneously; a Maui beach in the afternoon and dinner by the Eiffel Tower at night. Imagine you're watching television and you're thinking the place you're watching seems like it would be a great place to visit so you just teleport there and check it out in real time. Then you come back and watch the rest of the show.
This is another one of those power sets that are life changing. The ability to move freely through the world in literally the blink of an eye makes it all different. I would have to do something life changing with it. I could do like Harry Keogh the Necroscope and use it to be the most kickass weapon delivery system ever. "Put the bomb where?" Poof. Poof again. "Okay It's there." But I'm thinking more about delivering medical supplies and even transporting patients and doctors quickly to the places they need to be in an emergency.
I might actually wear a costume that hides my identity. That way I can help the police and military out without being identified by those I've helped them against and that they themselves do not abuse my help. It's not that I think poorly of everyone in the police and military but I know that these are large organizations with authority over people's lives and not every one giving the orders is necessarily interested in everyone's best interests. Don't take my word for it read history books or pay attention to the news.
To indulge my "darkside" I would do a lot of breaking and entering minus the breaking part. My sense of exploration would eventually lead to me teleporting into businesses after hours just to see what they're like after hours. Like how a hacker breaks into a system just to see what's there but doesn't do anything with the data they've seen. I might also become a scourge to preservation lands teleporting into them most often unwittingly just to see what it's like where I'm not suppose to go. I can also see myself transporting into royal palaces and the homes of world leaders just to see how they live. I could really get myself into a lot of trouble.
If nothing else I would develop a combat style based around teleportation. A lot of dodging by teleporting and quick counter attacks by shifting my position to an exposed area on my opponent. Among the deadlier moves would be teleporting myself in such a way that when I materialize my weapon appears inside my opponent but then that might not be possible given the intuitive spatial awareness that prevents teleporting into solid objects. Regardless it should be an effective combat style especially since I would dedicate a room to housing various weapons that I would use in combat and teleport there to switch weapons as needed.
Thanks for reading.
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