The Makluan rings were create by the Makluans, a race of
dragon-like extra-terrestrials. A Makluan ship crashed on Earth
thousands of years ago and gave rise to the legends of asian dragons.
Most notable of those who crashed is Fin Fang Foom. These Makluan
were rebels among their species who renounced their peoples peaceful
ways. The Mandarin later found the rings while searching the “Valley
of Spirits” where their ship crashed and used them to embark on a
career of super villainy that ranked him right up there with the
likes of Doctor Doom and MODOK.
The rings are some of the most powerful devices on the planet. The
way the rings were described in an earlier depictions one might make
the assumption that the rings powered the ship the Makulans came to
Earth in.
The ten Makluan rings are gold bands with their own unique facets
on them. Various artists have depicted them in various ways so I
won't go into a full description of each various design they have
chosen to draw them with.
All the rings are a source of very powerful energy and with some
kind of mental interface with their wearers (they are controlled by
their wearers thoughts). It would seem the rings are designed in such
a way as not to harm their wearers when they are in use. Also the
rings can emit their power from any point on the ring. Generally
that's the front of the ring, meaning projected outward perpendicular
to the facet but that has not always been the case. The rings have
been depicted projecting their energies parallel with the finger it
is on while the Mandarin was pointing with it.
The full range and power of the rings are never actually stated
(except where stated below) but by guessing based on at least one
confrontation the Mandarin had with Iron Man and the Makluan at the
same time, the range of the rings seem to be in hundreds of feet.
Ring 1
The “ice blast” ring emits waves of cold at intensities
determined by the wearer's will. It can drop temperatures down to as
low as near absolute zero. The air ices up as the wave passes through
Ring 2
The “mento-intensifier” ring amplifies the wearers “psionic
energy”. This allows its wearer to mentally dominate a subject
essentially given them mind control/super hypnotism powers including
the ability to send their thoughts to the targets mind. This ring
effects one person at a time and only within a range of 10 feet.
Ring 3
The “elctro-blast” ring permit its wearer to project “electric
blasts” at intensities determined by the wearer's will.
Ring 4
The “flame blast” ring emits infrared rays at intensities
determined by the wearer's will. The air in the path of the beam will
often ignite depending on the intensity of the heat.
Ring 5
The “white light” ring emits energy from the electromagnetic
spectrum at intensities determined by the wearer's will. Aside from
just emitting visible light the ring can also create blinding flashes
and “holograms”.
Ring 6
The “black light” ring creates areas of darkness that absorb
Ring 7
The “disintegration beam” ring emits a beam of energy that
dissolves the connections between atoms and molecules of objects
causing them to disintegrate. It takes 20 minutes to recharge between
uses. It doesn't cause nuclear explosions when it dissolves atomic
Ring 8
The “vortex beam” ring causes the air to form into high speed
vortexes (essentially tornadoes and other conical air phenomena like
dust devils) that can be controlled by the wearer's will. The
vortexes can be used as weapons, as a means of levitating objects or
even to achieve flight. The ring seems to have the ability to prevent
its wearer from spinning while in an air vortex and also keeps it's
wearer from being buffeted by debris. I would suspect that flight by
air vortex may actually be an intended use of the ring.
Ring 9
The “impact beam” ring emits concussive, sonic/vibratory and
magnetic forces at intensities determined by the wearer's will. The
magnetic force can be used to attract or repel objects.
Ring 10
The “matter rearranger” ring can be used to alter matter for
feats such as transmutation (has turned air into poisonous gas) as
well as to alter it's state (made gasses solid and turned water into
vapor) and to force chemical reactions or even arrest them. If for
nothing else the Mandarin used it to change his clothes into his
If I had the Makluan Rings
I think that with these rings I would become a vagabond. I would
travel the world earning my keep using the rings to repair things or
essentially solve any problem I can help with. I would be “The man
who dropped out of the tornado”. Here one day, gone tomorrow.
Moving on to new adventures. Never looking back. Yep life on the
The mento-intensifier ring would be my hypno therapy tool. I would
provide people with help with their mental states. Phobias, bad
habits, memory recovery and so forth. If nothing else I would
“implant” aversions in the minds of people who are victimizing
others. Maybe use it to keep them still long enough to see the world
from their victims perspective.
The vortex ring would be my primary defence ring. A small tornado
sweeping people up and throwing them aside works or even creating a
wind barrier type “force field”. Other than that I would use it
for moving large amounts of debris and cleaning up things like mud
slides, avalanches and floods.
The white light ring would be my multifunction utility ring. If
nothing else it's a flashlight. I could even use it to generate
ultraviolet light to see things that are only illuminated by such
light. Filtering lenses like the kind used by forensics labs could be
used to make even more use of the properties of ultraviolet light to
detect and find things. Even if the ring doesn't generate lasers it
is equipped with any number of potentially dangerous wavelengths of
light to use: radio waves (microwave ovens use radio waves to cook),
gamma rays, microwaves and so on.
I would suspect that the ring can function as a one way
communication device. If it can generate holograms based on its
wearer's will then it can at least theoretically also be able to
broadcast audio radio wave messages maybe even a full audio/visual
broadcasts. These broadcasts would be analog signals I would expect.
Digital receivers wouldn't be able to display them unless I used
something to convert them into digital signals. Once I had my
conversion method I would have my own inexpensive way to create
broadcast that I can put on the net, maybe for money, maybe even
create full length movies.
I would try to find a way to use this as a two-way communication
device. Possibly have a device that can read the rings emissions
permitting me to use it as scanner or even radar. I would also cook
with it.
The matter rearranger ring is another very functional ring. It
could mend clothes, dry clean them and alter them as needed. It could
also do the same for your home and vehicles. Some times super
villains just waste their powers. I would use it to transform scrap
materials into an awesome and creative houses for people who were
homeless. In disaster areas I would use it to purify water especially
after floods where water becomes polluted from sewage and other
The impact beam ring would be my personal “side arm”. It would
also be my “work horse” ring. In terms of personal protection
force beams are of course awesome defaults attacks especially against
inanimate objects. Sonic and vibratory waves are useful for shaking
objects apart and causing them to explode from shaking. Their also
good for negating those vibrations when they are caused by someone
else. Sonic waves are also a good way of subduing a subject by
hitting them with painful noise. The magnetic attraction/repulsion
capacity would be my “vehicle stopper”. I would either stop a
vehicle by holding it is place by using the attraction effect or
crushing it on impact with the repulsion effect. I would also use it
as a “rail gun” projecting metal projectiles at targets.
In terms of non-combat use, the impact ring could be used to move
objects around or holding things in place when needed. Vibrations,
sonic or otherwise could be used therapeutically. Heck they can be
used to removes the knots from necklace chains.
The black light ring is my hiding ring. Surround an area in
darkness and let people pass you by. Remember it absorbs light and
energy so active night-vision devices and radar won't be able to find
you. Nor will passive night-vision. Sonar should still work as well
as other vibration based detection methods. I would mostly use it
forgiving me a good and dark place to meditate or to just think of
The disintegration beam ring would be my ring of last resort. If
something is so difficult to deal with or so dangerous that it needs
to be completely destroyed then I would deploy it. I'm not sure what
would fall under that category.
The ice blast ring is very useful for flash freezing food and
freezing patients to make surgery easier to survive. In fact it would
be good for keeping harvested organs cool while being transported.
I's also use to make ice rinks and solidify bodies of water so they
can be crossed without sinking. This is especially important for
transporting goods in trucks on “ice roads”.
The fire blast ring would be used primarily for heat. I'd make my
own sauna for relaxation or to break up ice flows that would
otherwise cause floods.
I would use the electro-blast ring as a source of electricity.
Charge up some batteries, power the shelters I would create for
myself or vehicles I might also make. I mean it generates
electricity. It just makes sense. Of course it's also the world's
greatest joy buzzer. I'm not sure how I would use it as a power
source but I did take a year of electrical engineering (I say “year”
loosely) and of course my dad and my brother are electricians so I'm
sure we could come up with something.
Thanks for reading
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