OZ is a formula invented at OsCorp owned by Norman Osborn (of the Marvel Comics Ultimate continuity). It was created in an attempt to reproduce the Super Soldier serum that created Captain America. It has been responsible for a number of people developing super powers in that Comic Book Reality. Spiderman, Spider Woman, Scorpion, Tarantula and The deformed Spiderman Clone have their powers due to Spiderman being bitten by a spider who was exposed to the OZ formula. Doctor Octopus also derived his powers from the "Oz Explosion" however his powers are completely different from anyone exposed to OZ.
Although it can be "modified" to give different powers as with Spiderman, Oz typically bestows its recipient with the ability to transform into a monstrous goblin-like creature. The goblin form bestows on it's taker super human physical attributes including super stamina, agility and reflexes but most notably super strength and healing and the ability to project fire. Norman Osborn could roughly lift 10 tons from the ground to over his head. His son Harry might be even stronger. Harry also has armor-like skin that can repel bullets and he can regenerate lost skin and teeth in moments. As far as fire projection goes Norman threw fireballs that he generated while Harry could project fire blast from his hands and even cause himself to burst into flame without harm to himself. Wether or not Mary Jane has any fiery powers remains to be seen.
Although never mentioned I assume since they all seem to have glowing eyes that the goblin form also comes equipped with cat-like night vision.
The goblin form at least for males is about 7 feet tall and weighs half a ton. I'm not sure the size for females but according to Mary-Jane's listing in the Marvel wiki she didn't change size but I'm assuming that was an error. The goblin form's coloring varies from individual to individual. Norman Osborn is green skinned with feral eyes while his son Harry is yellow skin with red eyes and Mary Jane Watson is covered in red hair and also has feral eyes). Although Mary Jane is covered in red hair the male goblins seem devoid of any hair. Regardless of gender the goblin form has a demonic appearance including horns, claws, fangs and pointed ears.
Oz can cause mental illness in some people as it did with Norman Osborn and Otto Octavius but it hasn't so far in anyone else. It could be that these two men were on the verge of these problems and the exposure to Oz was just the push needed to bring the illness to full bloom.
I should note that while people who are exposed to unmodified OZ can become a monstrous goblin creature Otto Octavius instead gained the ability to control metal with his mind and possibly enhanced intelligence without any need to transform instead of also becoming a goblin.
If I had Taken the Oz Formula
The Oz formula is my answer to my Spring Heeled Jack posting problem. I couldn't find enough information on the comic book versions of him but the Oz formula gives me a solution. Spring Heeled Jack was a figure of the real world's 1800s Britain who was said to be a demonic creature or someone disguised as a demon noted primarily for his super human leaping ability. According to later accounts he also had clawed hands and the ability breadth out a blueish-white flame. If I had taken the Oz Formula I would assume the role of a super hero version of him.
I'm not sure exactly how I would appear in goblin form but going with the theme of taking on the coloring of different goblins from Marvel's mainstream reality I'm going to take the coloring of Menace. So I would be a greyish color with yellow eyes. She also has pronounced horns so my horns would also be more than just small protrusions like Norman and Harry but useable as weapons like Mary Jane's seemed to have. I'm going to assume that I would have some fire based power as well and since I'm going with the Spring Heeled Jack theme I'm going with the ability to channel a fiery blast through my mouth. Not fiery breadth but a fiery blast that just happens to be focused from my mouth.
Would I wear a costume I don't know. Given the size change that occurs transforming into an Oz goblin, I don't know if I would even bother to wear clothes in that form. Changing would be a pain in the ass but mind you since I would be going out at night on purpose to patrol I could take the time to have some kind of outfit made. However if I have to transform on the spot I'm just going to have to go naked or maybe wear some kind of really stretchy material.
The point is I'm going out as "the leaping bane of crime" or "Dark Jack" as I would call myself. Mind you where I live the crimes are mostly boot-legging and the occasional theft. Mostly misdemeanours rather than actual violent crime that require superhuman intervention. I would really be spending most of my time intervening in human animal interaction or finding people lost in the woods. At best I'd be "scaring people straight".
Of course, I could move to a more urban area where there is more violent crime. The thing with looking like a monstrous goblin is that you're going to invoke hostility and if your in an environment with higher rates of violence then it might not matter what I intend. I'll have to fight more than I care to. Since I wouldn't be invulnerable I would have to transform into my human form to protect myself from those who might decide to hunt me down.
Of course I could take videos of myself and post them on Youtube and claim I have footage of the actual Spring Heeled Jack. It's a good way to make money. Like if had Sasquatch's powers I could claim to be an expert and get invited to speak at conferences and write books and make documentaries. That would be awesome. I'd still patrol at night though. The footage would have to look spontaneous and I like helping people out.
Thanks for reading.
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