Brian Davis is an "Evolved Human" from the "Heroes Universe". Not much is known about his history but his telekinetic ability is stolen from him by Sylar who kills him and is later mimicked by Peter Petrelli who later has it stolen from him by his father Arthur. What is known about him is that he was afraid of his power and was looking for a way to get rid of them which is how he got caught up in Sylar's clutches.
Brian was a blond, glasses wearing frumpy man.
Brian Davis was a telekinetic who never developed his power. However by seeing Sylar and Peter's use of his telekinetic power we can get a sense of just how powerful he would have been if he had.
Sylar has used it to shield himself from gun fire, perform successful brain surgery and supplement his strength and leaping ability. He can use it to manipulate people like puppets or manipulate dozens of objects at once and use them as projectiles. He has also used it to support himself off of the ground so he could quietly sneak up on people. His most powerful use of Brian's telekinesis was when he flipped over a F.B.I. prison transport and then stopped it cold as it skidded towards him.
Peter's most taxing use of it was when his future self tore open a secured vault door which seems to have been pushing the upper limits of the power since it caused him to bleed through his nose. On the fine control side under future Sylar's tutelage he was able to repair a broken pocket watch by use of telekinesis alone.
Both have used the power to restrain people.
If I was Brian Davis
Well, firstly I would train like mad with my telekinesis and if you know me well enough you know I would get good at using it as a means of personal flight. Even if I couldn't fly cross country with it I would make sure I can use it as a quick escape method or to carry me over hostile terrain. To satisfy my sense of drama I would learn to use it to simulate water walking and air walking.
Also I have watched far too many cartoons and movies about martial arts not to find a way to incorporate it into my martial arts skills including but not limited to imitating techniques performed in them. I'd have my own version of the Kamehameha Wave from Dragon Ball, the Buddha Palm from Kung Fu Hustle or Darth Vader's choke hold from Star Wars.
On the non-violent side I would once again be using a super power to express my art. I would learn to draw and sculpt telekinetically. If not for the sheer joy of art then to refine my fine control of the power. There is a lot of clay in the town I live in and especially at my sister's cottage. I could practice to my hearts content. Not only that I tend not to use pencils below a certain size. Learning to draw with telekinesis would save me money in pencils in the long run.
On Hallowe'en I'd probably often go as some kind of superhero. Superman for sure in the first year. In the following years I might go as a wizard or an angel or a demon. Anything that could fly and move things with their minds. But that first year I would go as Superman and really play it up. I'd use my telekinetic power to simulate his super strength, invulnerability, flight and super breadth.
All the fun aside I wouldn't wear a costume like a super hero. I would definitely be useful and use my telekinesis to stop crimes I was exposed to. I would do it subtly so I wouldn't be discovered doing it. I would cause improbable but not impossible things to happen like fleeing criminals might find themselves tripping over their feet or a victim struggling against their attacker might hit them harder than they could believe possible. Okay I may occasionally dress like a magician from time to time just for kicks and maybe to perform magic for charity or for some extra cash but not in any serious sense.
Thanks for reading.
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