Friday, January 21, 2011

If I Was Beast Boy


Garfield Logan contracted Sakutia (a fictional illness in the DC Universe that turns people green and allows them to change shape up until it kills them within 48 hours). He was given a cure that made him green permanently and permitted him to retain his shape changing powers. He went on to be a member of the Doom Patrol and later the Teen Titans.


Gar is slim, average height, short haired young man who is completely green including his hair and eyes not just his skin color. The green coloring follows him even in his animal forms.


Beast Boy can transform into any animal he is aware of (including species from other planets) while retaining his intelligence and personality as well as the ability to speak. He can maintain the forms indefinitely or even switch multiple times in a short period of time without suffering fatigue or strain. The transformation take only a few seconds to accomplish. His animal forms are always the same green as his human form. When transforming into tiny animals like insects or barnacles he can become only one or have multiple forms such as a swarm of bees. Under certain circumstances (that I have no clue about) he can transform into a hybrid creature with the abilities of all the animal he can turn into rolled into one.

If I Was Beast Boy

With the ability to become any animal there is the obvious choice of exploration. With potentially the whole animal kingdom to choose from and a little bit of courage almost nowhere in the world is off limits. Of course you have the ultimate inside track for animal research or husbandry. If you can walk a mile in any one's shoes you go a long way to understanding them. I may for a fee offer my services for hire. I might allow people to poke and prod me in the name of research but only so far. I would also help by imitating actual animals in their habitat and then report it back furthering the understanding of animals that way.

As for myself I might just go and live in the woods or up a mountain or on a remote island or something like that. I would just live off the land using my animal abilities to survive but I know that would only last so long then I'd have to return to see my fellow humans.

I know if nothing else I would revel in being able to take different forms with different strengths and weaknesses. I know I would then dispense "wisdom" based on what I learned spending time as those animals. I may do something like fly all day as a soaring bird and see where that takes me in terms of both geography and philosophy. I would develop a fighting style based on quickly changing from one animal to another. I would make sure that I had the scent of everyone I know memorized in case I had to track them.

I know that I would also use my ability to transform into animals to make people feel better. Who wouldn't want to ride on a horse that you can actually talk to or cuddle up to a grizzly bear? I think having an animal that can talk around would be therapeutic.

There are a number of animal forms that I would favor for various reasons:

Falcon and Mountain Lion: They're my "totem animals" so it would seem rude not to take their forms from time to time. Falcons especially peregrine falcons fly really fast and can kill and catch their prey in the same attack. Mountain lions are fierce predators with amazing mobility and ferocity. They can scare of a bear if they are fighting over the same carcass.

Grizzly Bear: Because their a huge land predators d'uh. Also chicks dig big furry animals but mostly because they're big and intimidating.

Dolphin: 'Cause I like to swim and they seem really agile in the water as well as when they jump out of the water. Plus offensive sonar. That kicks ass. Also water bubble rings. Dolphins like to make rings out of water bubbles as a game.

Bald Eagle: For soaring purposes. They aren't the record holders for soaring but they look cool and with their visual capacity I could enjoy a great birds eye view of my world while on a lazy sky cruise.

Monkey: Not sure what species of monkey but it would be great to have that kind of climbing ability.

Tyrannosaurus Rex: Because I would so love the size and scariness of it. Mind you I might transform into a similarly large allosaur that has longer arms.

Woolly Mammoth: Because it gets cold where I live and I think it would be cool to to be able to give walking tours of where I live while doing it as a very large land based creature. People could ride on my back as I tell them about the woods we're walking through.

I will say that as I'm writing this I realize I would go on a world tour familiarizing myself with more species of animals currently existing and extinct.

Thank you for reading

Thursday, January 20, 2011

If I Was Yankee Poodle


Rova Barkitt was a famous "Follywood" (back when DC Comics had an Earth-C in it's multiverse) celebrity gossip columnist until one day she was struck by a fragment of a meteor that had been exposed to unusual radiation and Superman. This resulted in her acquiring super powers and taking on the costumed identity of Yankee Poodle. She quickly joined up with Captain Carrot and the other animals empowered by the other meteor fragments who along with Superman were trying to get down to the bottom of why there was a strange barrier around Earth-C and why animals all around the world were devolving into their primitive animal selves or in other words acting like regular animals instead of the anthropomorphic animals they were. After the adventure was over the meteor powered anthropomorphic animals joined together as Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew and put their lives on the line to save Earth-C from danger and injustice.


Rova is a white furred anthropomorphic poodle who wears a legless american flag inspired super suit including gloves and a mask.


According to Rova herself she has the power of "animal magnetism". Animal Magnetism seems to be a quasi-magnetic force that attracts and repels all matter not just ferromagnetic materials. In her case her animal magnetism manifests as blue stars from her right hand that repels objects and red and white stripes from her left hand that attract objects. The stars and stripes are described as being "semi-solid". I would assume that this means that they are composed of particles that carry the force of animal magnetism much in the way that "gravitons" carry the force of gravity. The stars themselves have never been depicted as being used for anything except repelling objects or propulsion unlike the stripes that have been used as ramps, bindings and protective cocoons. I mean she's hasn't even used them to hold a door open or to wedge a lever in place. On more than one occasion enemies with exceptional super anthropomorphic animal strength have grabbed the stripes and used them to throw her while she was trying to wrap them up with them. The stars and stripes can be combined to form one devastating attack essentially violently pulling the target in two directions at once. The attack is called her "Magno-Blast".

I'm not sure what the maximum output or range of her power is since she is a character in a "Funny Animal" comic, consistency isn't as important as the laugh you get from each given situation. I have seen her portrayed as easily being able to move and lift objects like cars and vans and has used her power with some strain to lift a giant armed and armored "hamster wheel" vehicle the height of a two story house off of the ground. She has created stripes over one hundred feet long trying to subdue giant opponents like Frogzilla and Kongaroo.

Her main mode of personal transportation is to create "bridges" of stripes beneath her as she travels and use the stars to propel her along them instead of running running over it. She has once used the stars alone to propel herself in flight but has not done so again. Her top range and speed are unknown but I assume it's quicker and more convenient than just hopping into a car and driving.

If I Was Yankee Poodle

I would think that salvage and demolition would be the way to go with these powers. Stabilize the structure with the stripes then use the stars to undercut the structure and let it fall in on itself. Afterwards I could pull the pieces of the structure apart with the stripes making it easier to haul it away.

Since leverage doesn't seem to be needed to use her attraction and repulsion powers, demonstrated when she pulled a car that she had caught with her stripes back up on the freeway overpass it fell off of without being dragged over the edge by the car's weight or inertia, I think salvage would be another great option for uses of this power set. I could haul objects from the water up onto a waiting boat without the objects pulling me under. I could even use the stars to propel me through the water and even drag whatever I was hauling with me. When I think about it that would make me awesome for coastguard work. People are drowning in the ocean and we can't lower a line to them then I just have to catch them with my stripes and haul them up to the rescue helicopter or boat.

Now since the stripes don't need any leverage neither should the stars. I could use them to push heavy objects as I walk behind them. I can picture it. Just walking, being bored, pushing a huge crate or broken down vehicle. I could use them to clear snow, and chip away ice off of objects in the winter time.

I could start a business offering rides .

Thank you for reading.