Thursday, September 30, 2010

If I was Spitfire

In this one I'm going with a relatively underpowered Marvel Comics superheroine known as Spitfire.


Jacqueline Farnsworth was a British aristocrat who derived her powers from a combination of a blood transfusion from the android Human Torch and a vampire bite. The two catalysts theoretically activated latent powers within her. Using her new found super speed she saved the life of the Human Torch and became a member of the Invaders the world war two super team that the android belonged to. She has returned in modern times rejuvenated by another blood transfusion by the Human Torch android but I'm not using that version of her. I'm going with her golden age self. Mostly because now she's displaying vampire traits when she's angry and her power level was greatly enhanced.


Spitfire is a short, athletic, blond woman with blue eyes. She wears a yellow costume with red boots and "gauntlets" as well as a large, bird inspired, red mask and flowing red cape.

Powers and Paraphernalia

Spitfire has superhuman speed able to run at fifty miles per hour and the appropriate adaptions including reflexes, specialized strength, stamina (she can run at her top speed for up to half an hour before tiring and for hours at lesser speeds), agility and durability to go with it. Also according to Marvel's official database when she runs she leaves a trail of "non-damaging fire" however I can't find an actual depiction of that anywhere...not even in Marvel's official database.

If I was Spitfire

I live in a small town. Being able to sprint off at fifty miles per hour for up to half an hour is more than suitable enough to get me anywhere in this town quickly. Now the "for hours at lesser speeds" part also interests me. Being able to run at say eighteen miles per hour (which I assume would be her "cruising" speed) for a number of hours is very handy. I could run to my sister's cottage and back experiencing little to no fatigue. That would be awesome. Okay sure you could get there faster than me by car but I wouldn't care. There are very few things like the thrill of being able to run to everywhere you want to go in a reasonable period of time.

So you might guess for me it would be more about the freedom of the speed then about anything else. I wouldn't become a super hero. I would go about my regular life only I would enjoy it more. I would change things in my life of course. I would explore more than I do. Like I said one of the big draws for me is the "for hours at lesser speeds" aspect of the powers. I might even take up parcour. After all super speed would lend itself to enhanced jumping as well, not to mention the enhanced resistance to impact making it less dangerous to land ridiculously dangerous jumps.

I'm thinking if nothing else I would become a professional athlete. Either boxing or maybe soccer. Mind you if I go the route of marathon runner then I could probably score some really sweet endorsement deals for shoes. Marathon running would let me enjoy the freedom of running far better but it might not satisfy my competitive nature. I like the "in your face" type of competition where you can trash talk while you're competing.

Thank you for reading.

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