Sunday, June 20, 2010

If I was the Rhino

Aleksei Sytsevich the Rhino is a Spider-Man villain who was originally a Russian spy who was mentally conditioned so he could pass as an American under the falsified identity of Alexander O'Hirn. Along with the mental conditioning to pass as an American he underwent several months of life threatening chemical and radiation treatment to give him super strength and durability. After that he had armor "skin" patterned after a rhinoceros (including horns) bonded to his skin. After coming to America he broke ties with his benefactors and went on his own crime spree. He's been repeatedly defeated by Spider-Man as well as the incredible Hulk. He's undergone many enhancements to his powers and his armor through out his career even having been turned into a human-like rhinoceros at one point. The main thrust of his career has been to be hired muscle although he has had his own schemes, unfortunately he's not the most brilliant man in the world so they often fail.

His powers consists of super human strength stamina and durability. He's strong enough to lift seventy five tons from the ground to up over his end with his arms fully extended. With his armour on he can lift eighty five tons that way. His stamina permits him to exert himself for up to 24 hours before tiring. His durability with out the armour he wears is hard to say since he is always wearing his armor when in action. He can run at up to one hundred miles per hour but I would think with his strength he could probably run faster.

His armor is highly resistant to damage including anti-tank weaponry as well as acid and temperature extremes ranging from minus fifty degrees Fahrenheit to plus one thousand degrees Fahrenheit. The horns on his armor can puncture two inch thick steel plating.

His main weakness is that once he begins charging he's not very manoeuvrable. He can't change the direction of his charge very quickly permitting a quick or alert enough person to dodge him.

If I were the Rhino and criminally inclined I would definitely get into the "protection" racket. You know the old "It would sure be a shame if something were to happen to your fine establishment. I'll gladly protect your place for a fee." kind of thing. Should the police get any ideas like arresting me well..."It would be a shame if something should happen to this nice police station you have here. Not to mention all these nice shinny cars you have." As long as everyone paid up everyone would be fine. God forbid things go hard for me to handle, well then I would hire myself out as "muscle" for a more clever criminal than myself. Mind you I'm sure I would be approached by some organized crime family long before I'd have to worry about the police coming up with a way to stop me. You know given my personality even if I was criminally inclined I'd most likely make a deal with the police that if they leave me alone I'd send them my criminal rivals so at least they can apprehend them if they can't apprehend me.

Thanks for reading.

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