Wednesday, October 27, 2010

If I had Jack O' Lantern's Magical Fairy Lantern

Since there are several comic book characters named Jack O' Lantern I'll take this opportunity to specify that I'm referring to Dan Cormac of the DC Universe, member of the Global Guardians.


The magical fairy lantern of Jack O' Lantern was a magical gift of the fairy queen Maeve because of his kindness to fairies in general such as allowing a leprechaun he got to go free without taking its pot of gold and his friendship with the Fir Dhearga (a type of fairy) Fergus.


The magical lantern is a dark purple, spherical lantern including a handle to carry it. It has eyes like a Hallowe'en Jack O'Lantern but lacks their nose and mouth.


The fairy lantern gives it's user the power to duplicate any effect the Irish fairy folk can do. This includes but probably not limited to the following powers: flight, flame projection (normal or faerie-fire), teleportation (self and others), super strength, the ability to create fog, shadows, and illusions. It also can be used for low-level telekinesis such as controlling small objects or to induce sleep (normal or magical). The Lantern can also create or dispel powerful localized weather effects. It can also produce blinding flashes of light and personal forcefields as well as having the ability to permit its user to temporarily duplicate him or herself (it is however difficult and strenuous to perform). It can also permits its user to shrink him or herself or others and can imprison shrunken targets in itself (it contains a small pocket dimension for just such an occasion).

Its user can telekinetically control it even when it's not in his or her hand, which allows him or her to summon it to him or her. He or she can encase the lantern in faerie-fire and hurl it at opponents, calling it back to his or her hand afterwards.

I'm going to assume it can also be used to shed like light a regular lantern.

The power of the lantern is weakest at midday and at its strongest at midnight. Also the lantern can only be used by the person it is given to.

If I had Jack O' Lantern's Magical Fairy Lantern

If I had the Jack O' Lantern's magical Fairy Lantern I'd start by doing search and rescue. I know it's not that creative but if you have a lantern the most obvious thing is to use it at night or in dark places to explore or to find things. If I find lost people I would just shrink them down and store them in the lantern until I get them to safety and then I'd set them free. Of course I could just stay with them until more people come and find them by following the big illusory sign I make pointing out where we are.

During the winter I'd patrol the highways and backroads looking for people who are lost or stranded. In the "cold, cold north" death is only a few hours a way if you're not prepared. I can see myself flying along in the dark night sky using the lantern as a spotlight to find any unlucky travellers. I love travelling the highway at night. It would be especially cool if I could fly.

It wouldn't be long before I become the crazy "old guy" who lives on a small island in the middle of a lake who offers his magical services for a fee. "We need to make sure the weather is nice for our wedding day. Well for a 'donation' that guy who lives in the middle of the lake will make sure of it." Then I'd stand vigil with my lantern for the day making sure the weather was clear.

Now I would be neglectful if I didn't use "Fairy Power" to do Fairy things. You know, use the lantern's illusory powers to make people think I've turned them purple or put to straight guys to sleep and then place them so it looks like they're kissing then teleport them to a place full of people then wake them up again. Yeah I know immature but I don't care. Fairies are known for their "playful" mischief and why should I break such a fine tradition.

Hallowe'en would quickly become my favorite holiday. The least I would do is walk around pretending to be THE Jack O' Lantern. The man not good enough for Heaven but not bad enough for Hell, condemned to walk the Earth as a lantern carrying ghost. If I caught people doing really bad things I'd use the lantern's many powers to set them straight. Imagine some kids stealing candy finding themselves enveloped in shadow while an image of a headless figure swears to punish them for eternity unless they return the candy.

I think it would come down to me being "He who lights the way". When people are lost, the lantern and I would be there to light the way. Both metaphorically and literally.

Note: The data for this posting comes from the DC Nation web site.

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