Sunday, October 24, 2010

If I was Elastigirl


Elastigirl or Hellen Parr maiden name Truax is the wife of Mister Incredible and a formidable super heroine. After a long hiatus due to a ban on Super activity due to an event where Mister Incredible accidentally hurts someone she returned to full time Super Heroing with her family. However during that time she became accustom to the "quiet" life of a home maker raising her three children but she didn't seem to have to hard of time getting back into the role of hero.


Helen is a auburn haired woman with brown eyes. She wears a tight fitting red costume with a black mask, trunks, gloves and thigh high boots. The symbol on her chest is a yellow lower case "i" on a black circular field with yellow trim.

Powers and Paraphernalia

Helen has the ability to stretch her body up to a full distance of three hundred feet or compress it to a minimum thickness of one millimetre. She can also shape her body into simple shapes like when she shaped herself into a boat to keep her and her kids from drowning. Apparently she can keep the shape for an extended period of time at least under duress.

The "rubbery" nature of her body permits her to use her stretching abilities to leap eighty feet or throw objects with super human force. The rubbery nature of her body also makes her super flexible and provides a great degree of resistance to impact. When the airplane she was piloting was shot down the exploding missiles only knocked her out for a brief moment. It also permits her to support several tons of weight for long distances with considerable strain but with no permanent damage.

Her super suit is designed to work with her super powers as well as being nearly indestructible.

If I was Elasticgirl

This is a power set where I would have a lot of fun with. Hide and seek would be awesome. I would stretch and compress myself into rain gutters, hide behind posts, in chimneys or hide under a rug.

This is a great power set for exploration and discovery. Firstly parcour becomes my new hobby, brachiation becomes another one. Parcour is that sport where you see people running around in cities jumping over barriers and jumping off of ledges. Brachiation is the primate art of swinging from tree limb to tree limb with their arms. I wouldn't worry about falling since I could either mold myself into a bouncing ball or flatten myself into manta like glider. That would probably be another new hobby of mine. Slingshotting myself into the air then shaping myself into a "glider" and see how far I can fly. Oh my God!! Fishing would be awesome if I shaped myself into a boat. Just lay my fishing gear and cooler on me and float along maybe have someone with me.

This of course raises romantic implications. I think you can imagine the most obvious R-rated modifications I could make to myself to please a partner but I was also thinking about shaping into a hammock and having my girl lay on me while I envelope her in my arms. We can have romantic boat rides. Okay mind is wandering back to sex again but again I'll let you guys imagine what a stretchy shape changer can do during sex.

Okay now back to exploring. There are all kinds of places to get into in Northern Ontario: mountains, old mine shafts, natural caves, huge trees, ravines, rivers, old logging camps and forts, etc... Like with the Spiderman 2099 posting I wouldn't have to worry about wild animals. Being stretchy offers protection from a lot of harm and I could just runaway if I wanted to but if I had to I could stretch myself out to seem bigger. A common ploy in the animal kingdom.

You know as goofy as stretching powers seem to be after having given this some thought, I've come to the conclusion that it's a very practical power. I could have gone the same route with Elastigirl as I went with Mister Incredible. I wouldn't have to worry about falling off of roofs when I was working up high and I wouldn't need a ladder at all to get up and down from roofs or to haul up equipment. I'd have to use tools though. I could also pull cars out ditches or snow banks and a lot of the other stuff I would as Mister Incredible.

Thanks for reading.

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