Saturday, October 30, 2010

If I was Impala

I'm referring to the Pre-Crisis of Infinite Earth's version of the character. He's one of those characters whose conversion to the Post crisis continuity that doesn't really capture my imagination.


While he was alive in either continuity M'Bulaze was an optimistic and apparently politically minded Zulu warrior who seems to have discovered one day that he could out run and out jump the impala, the animal after which he named himself. He was later recruited by Dr. Mist into his Global Guardians.


M'Bulaze was a tall and athletic Zulu who wore what would appear to be traditional Zulu warrior garb. I'm no expert on the Zulu but I'll go with that description.


M'Bulaze is said to be able to out run and out jump the impala. The average impala can run at 50 mph and can jump 30 feet across and 8 feet high. Since He is said to be able to jump 20 feet high then all things being equal I'm going to assume based on that he can jump 75 feet across and run at 125 mph. How long he can run for is unknown but he has kept up with the Flash who relies almost exclusively on his running abilities to get around. However he did acknowledge that the Flash was holding back on his behalf. All that to say is that he can probably run at his "cruising" speed for several hours before needing to rest. How long he can sprint for I don't know.

As I do with most of these characters I assume they have the requisite secondary powers that lets them use there powers without hurting themselves out of hand. So I assume M'Bulaze has at least a better than normal reaction time and coordination when running or jumping and probably some enhanced resistance to injury so he doesn't kill himself or seriously injure himself if he trips at top speeds or if he doesn't land quite right.

If I was Impala

Running at super speed and super leaping is a fun little set of super powers but what do you do with it? You become a professional athlete. What else are you going to do? I mean you can become a cop. It would help to be really fast and mobile to catch fleeing criminals. Of course you could join the military too. You make a great weapon delivery system. You can get your weapon in place before your target could be ready. However like I said before, I'm not really a violent guy. I prefer to enjoy the thrill of the speed of the run and the short "flight" of the super leap.

When I say I'd be a pro-athlete I'm thinking soccer. You get to run around and jump over people to get to the goal and the field is so long and wide. Also I'm taking into account that I'd likely have super human strength in my legs so my kicks should be more than professional caliber. As a side benefit it would satisfy my competitive side and it would help me keep my stamina up. Of course with super running and super leaping I'm sure I'd find ways of keeping my stamina up just because it would be fun doing it.

When I think about it I could have used having Impala's powers as my solution to my Spring Heeled Jack as superhero dilemma instead of the Oz formula solution. I would just have to put on a weird mask and dress up like a "gentlemen" and I'd be set. Now mind you since I'm on this train of thought I'd probably carry two guns with me. A couple of automatic hand guns. Probably spring mounted blades in my boots and up my sleeves to go with it. That would be pretty cool. Evil doers beware. But it's not really my style. If I'm going to take up arms I'd do it as a cop or a soldier. If I was going to be altruistic with these powers I'd spend my time running along the highway looking for stranded people and bringing them gas for there cars or running a spare tire back to them or in the very least bring them food and water until help arrives.

Like I said I think this is a really cool power set but I don't know if it's the kind of life changer that others I've written about are.

Thanks for reading

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